Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Learning Prestashop and Thirty bees: Working With Shipping Carriers

Shipping is an integral and crucial part of any ecommerce website! It is an important turning point for your e-commerce website especially this up-coming holidays.

Every country uses or have its own shipping parcel that users and customers prefer. But for the sake of this tutorial, we are gonna be focusing on working with the Shipping module we have available for us on Prestashop or thirtybees ecommerce system.  We are just going to leave the countries behind and learn how the shipping module is being set up from the admin console of your Prestahop or thirtybees ecommerce website.
You can basically create you own shipping table and offer different shipping options for your customers and users. For example, you can offer a a faster delivery alternative to a standard (eg in express) one, depending on how you set your shipping options. Some of the customers agree to pay more for a shorter delivery time. There is also the option of offering a one-day shipping or ship on the same day option. Buyers look very closely at shipping costs, so try to be as fair as possible.
Plenty of choices you can create from the backend of your store with Prestashop and thirtybees ecommerce.
Let’s dive in to learning prestashop and thirtybees properly: working with Shipping module!
In this tutorial we are going to explore the following:
  • Creating a Shipping Carrier
  • Creating shipping costs
  • Adding size, weight and group access
  • Remove and enabling handling charges from carrier preferences.
Read full post at Learning Prestashop and Thirty bees: Working With Shipping Carriers

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