Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Rake Up Sales with Holiday Sale Module for Prestashop and thirtybees Website

The holiday season is just around the corner! It is the time to create your sales campaign and rake in profit! Are you ready for the big BANG! Will your ecommerce store take off this holidays?

Online sales are growing each year, and it looks like more people prefer to buy this way rather than standing in line  and fighting in stores for an Xbox. Last year online retailers reported a record-breaking $46.5 billion in revenue for the period of November 1 – December 31 alone!
According to the NRF, with major holidays such as Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Halloween and Christmas just around the corner, an NRF survey revealed that 179 million Americans are expected to spend as much as $9.1 billion—and that’s just for Thanksgiving and Black Friday alone. Spending on costumes is pegged at $3.4 billion, candy at $2.7 billion and decorations at $2.7 billion.
Tony Bianci, a store manager for Halloween Adventure in New York, said that he does 60 percent to 70 percent of his business in September and October. The most in-demand costumes include Wonder Woman, and characters from “Descendants” are popular among kids.

60 percent to 70 percents of business sales are made from September to December!

With all these data, it would be wise to prepare your sales campaign for the holidays NOW!

How might you prepare your Prestashop or thirtybees ecommerce website for the holiday season?

  • First thing you do is to NEVER make any major changes to functionality. This season is the time to make sales, this is not the time to make changes! But if you do want to make changes, just a little cosmetics to reflect the holiday season would do.
  • Check you server to see if it is flexible enough to handle a spike in traffic?
  • Test and retest the strength of you ecommerce website security.  You don’t want hackers to hack into your system at a time where  you are making the most sales, right?
  • Double check on you  holiday shipping deadlines.
  • Optimize you webiste for the holidays with a Holiday Sale Module.

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