Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Stripe Corporate Card for Your Online Business is a Smart Move

Thirtybees comes with Stripe as one of its core modules! So, you don’t have to buy one or hire a developer to integrate it into thirtybees to have Stripe payment system in your online store like most of the other ecommerce platforms.

Stripe is one of the featured partner for thirtybees in 2019. And majority of e-commerce platform open-source or not have extensions, plugins, and addons developed for their particular system.
The Stripe module allows your thirty bees site to easily accept payments from the Stripe payment processing platform. This module supports the latest Stripe API and also ApplePay as well. Let me show you a screenshot of what you have got in your thirtybees install:
But starting today, you can use Stripe for corporate credit cards — complete with your own shiny logo.

Yes, you heard that right. A personalized corporate credit cards from Stripe!

This is going to be really really big if your company who runs a remote team, your employees encounter incidental costs all the time – such as an Uber to the airport, coffee with a client, replacing a broken power cord, etc. So, your company can issue every person on the team a corporate card as soon as they join. That way, they never have to take money out from their pocket for the company while they wait for an expense report to process. Not to mention the hassle of filing for reimbursement.

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