Renowned book author, Robert Kiyosaki once said, “Inside of every problem lies an opportunity.” Hence, by looking at the reality that 90% of small businesses are not doing that well on social media, it will mean that we have the good chance of beating 90% of our industry competitors simply by leveraging on the effective social media marketing and branding strategies. Right? So let’s get started!
Why does at least 90% of small business and startup ecommerce website businesses fail?
Now before you get discouraged, keep in mind that many factors go into the success or failure of any small business. Specifically, we will be talking about social media marketing and what is that one reason that makes small businesses fail in their social media marketing?
In a study of small business that are in social media, for every 25th to 31st company researched, only one company was successful on leveraging social media marketing to their brand advantage. That means there is an estimated 90% failure rate among small businesses on social media.
Check out the full article #1 reason why 90% of ecommerce website fail in social media marketing.
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