Monday, August 5, 2019

Should I Place Adsense In My eCommerce Website?

I was browsing early today about adsense placement and I came across this suggested long key word search by Google, “3 tips to place adsense to your eCommerce website.”My reaction was one of amusement. Why would an eCommerce website put an advertisement about a product from probably a competition? It does not make sense, right? I knew you would agree.

I clicked the linked and actually found an eCommerce website with an adSense on it. And where do I see the advertising block appears? You guess it correctly. Right in the top of the frontpage. What are they thinking? Do they even believe in the product they sell? Because, to me, it looks like they don’t! As a visitor, all it is telling me is this, 
“We dont like our product, really. If you want, we want you to go to this place and buy their product, it is a really cool product! So, go ahead get out of our store and never come back! We don’t want you to buy our product, which we don’t like anyway!” Sounds funny, right?
I am not an expert on google adsense or adwords, infact I rarely used it. The last time I worked on adwords was 6-7 years ago. I did OK i guess. But I know for sure what adsense is for.
What is AdSense for? 
Adsense are ad blocks that you place on your site and will automatically serve advertising from Google other advertisers. When users click on this ad you earn money. Below is a screenshot of  sample ad blocks.

View full post at Shoptech Media!

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