Thursday, August 8, 2019

Important steps to make ecommerce website fight against spammers.

  1. Change your FTP access frequently (especially the password).
  2. Do not just give access to any developer (which you find on the web) that you do not trust absolutely … they can modify files on your hosting without your knowledge.
  3. Change access when a breach is performed then block the Prestashop employee account.
  4. Do not install modules found on questionable sites or without approval by the community. has created performance modules that we installed when you develop your webshop with us. And we DO NOT spam anyone! Going through Prestashop free Addons is a guarantee of security vulnerability. You will never know the extent of security of the source code ( spyware ).
  5. Get a real good hosting provider that is big in customer support. Don’t go for cheap hosting. That is a recipe for spam and hack attack.
  6. Protect your directory and files by implementing proper CHMOD file permission.
  7. Block the IP addresses that are questionable and which you are certain is not where your customers are coming from (Russia, Iran, Morocco etc ).
  8. Turn off your computer at night, do not leave it on without you monitoring it, it might automatically install doubtful software or “crack”. Those trojans in your computer will later find its way to your ecommerce website files through your ftp uploads.
  9. Backup, Backup, Backup your files regularly.
See full article at Shoptech Media

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