Wednesday, February 26, 2020

5 Reasons Personalized Email Marketing Is Important To eCcommerce

Personalized email marketing is more than just a clever marketing strategy. It’s a must if you want to succeed in a highly competitive and agile ecommerce environment.
According to a survey, 7 out of 10 online businesses and ecommerce use email marketing to bolster their sales. That's three quarters of businesses spends their resources on personalized email marketing.
In fact 72% of ecommerce customers now openly declare that they are willing to share their personal information to a certain degree in return for personalized content. Ecommerce personalization simply saves ecommerce customers time, and contributes around 10% to online revenue for ecommerce businesses. So, it’s a win-win situation for both parties.

Consider these email marketing stats from 2018:

  • Email marketing has an average ROI of 3,800 percent. For every dollar invested, the average return is $38.
  • Email is the third most influential source of information for B2B audiences, behind colleague recommendations and industry thought leaders.
  • Segmented email marketing campaigns get 14.64% more email opens and 59.99% more clicks compared to non-segmented campaigns.
  • Including video in email can increase your open rate by 19% and increase your click-through rate by 50%.
Email marketing drives customer acquisition and retention. Email’s usefulness was followed by that of other digital tactics like organic search at 62% for acquisition and social media at 44% for retention—both rated effective by far fewer respondents than chose email.

Here are 5 benefits you will get from personalized emails:

1) Conversion rates from personalized emails can reach 4 times more than the average.
2) Unsubscribe rates are significantly lower with personalized email campaigns.
3) Personalized emails don’t create any operational costs for you.
4) You can choose from 10 different scenarios to match your business needs and goals
5) Personalized emails will get you a sales return 6 times more than regular bulk email campaigns.

How do you personalized your email marketing?

There are a great many ways to personalized email marketing. I just would like to mention a couple of ways to get you started right away. I will be writing more about this topic in great details on a separate article.

1. Show your customer you understand their need.

A great way of showing your customers that you understand their needs is to provide customized recommendations on what to buy next based on their past purchases. One way of doing this is to send your customers information or offers on related or complementary products.

2. Another way you can personalized your email marketing is to send how-to guides

For example, if a customer has bought a shirt from your store, you could send them an email that includes a style guide on how to put together a complete ensemble using that shirt and other items from your store.
Additional ecommerce reads
5 Indispensable Ecommerce Features Your Shop Should Have

In conclusion

Message personalization is the most effective email marketing strategy today. Marketers have witnessed an increase in their email open rates by leveraging personalization.

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