Friday, November 15, 2019

Does Blogging Boost Your Ecommerce SEO?

Blogging is not just a digital marketing fad anymore. While it was a trendy way for people to post about their lives on the Internet, years ago. Today, blogging boost ecommerce SEO in many ways, as Google placed premium space for fresh and consistent contents in determining search engine ranking. Blogging has become a must-do for businesses of all sizes that want to gain traffic, grow their following, and improve their visibility in search engines.

Two reasons that changed the landscape of blogging and searches in general?

Firstly, businesses realized that blogging offers a great platform not only to prove their expertise in their industry, but also to improve their search engine optimization, or SEO—and almost without even trying. Secondly, Google ranking algorithm has place more and more importance on fresh and useful information for searchers with the release of Google BERT to pair it with RankBrain algo. These two algo combined is projected to do a better job of evaluating prepositions in searches, thus improving and refining search results.
If you have been wondering whether blogging is going to help boosts your your ecommerce business seo, stop thinking and start your ecommerce website blog now. Find an ecommerce platform that have a native blog module like thritybees ecommerce. Blogging can only  help your SEO.

Blogging boost ecommerce SEO for five main reasons:

  • You blog provide fresh and consistent content that Google loves
  • Blogging is an excellent way to optimize the keywords you want to rank for in searches
  • It allows you to develop and strengthen your relationships with new and old customers through social media
  • Blogging allows you to build your links from other high quality websites because you have valuable fresh content.
  • Your blog connects people and potential customers to your brand
Find great great resource for ecommerce seo at shoptech media

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