Monday, October 21, 2019

Ultimate Characteristics of a Good Ecommerce Website

Good ecommerce website have a distinct characteristics that are observable and measurable to the trained eye.
Observable and measurable ecommerce website characteristics follows the same path as that of transferring knowledge from one medium to the other. And these measurable characteristics are measured in terms of the following:

Key measurables to check for

The condition under which the visitors or your customers will perform the desired behavior(action expected) while in your online store. The behavior of the customer itself and the degree by which the desired level of acceptable action indicates(how deep he is into the expected completed action).
There are customer behaviors that every website owners wants to see their visitors do while visiting. One of these are scrolling which indicates reading of contents. Another is clicking on links, like buy-now button, or subscribe button. Closing the browser or clicking the back button is another behavioral indication that must be taken into consideration. Why is that important? Simply because it determines your websites bounce rate, which is directly correlates to the amount of time a person spends on  your website.

These behaviors are directly affected by the following charateristics of a good ecommerce website.

#1.  Design look and feel of homepage.

We have dealt with typical client conversation that looks like this:
Client: Does it really matter what my website looks like?
Me: Yes, it definitely does.
Client: Why?
Me: Because people will judge your company based on the quality of your website, whether that’s fair or not.
There was a study by Derek Halpern in 2018 regarding Social Triggers. It was titled Trust and Mistrust of Online Health Sites. It provide insights about how web design affects user actions and behavior.
Your design can TRIGGER immediate DISTRUST.
Read full article the ultimate characteristics of a good ecommerce website

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