Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pop-up Shop Is a Perfect Strategy to Drive Ecommerce Growth During Holidays

strategy to drive ecommerce growth
A pop-up shop is a temporary storefront space operated by an online merchant. Pop-up stores have become more prevalent in recent years and continue to grow in popularity. These short-term retail environments enable customers to experience products firsthand.
If you have a physical store, pop-up shop is like a store-within-a-store where you can partner with another store owner to put a pop-in in his store. Pop-up shops like gallery stores are great ideas. So are pop-up shops in a night market where people usually come out to spend night out with friends.
In our city, for the better part of 30 years, it has been a custom to open night market and farmers market during the holidays. And it attracts a lot of  pop-up stores and merchants from different places.
By all account pop-up stores are not new. Traders from all over the world have been doing this since barter trading and commerce was invented.

Pop-up stores is a perfect strategy to drive ecommerce growth.

In 2004, in the middle of economic recession, pop-up stores began “popping” up all over the US.
Pop-ups began to appear in the depths of the financial crisis, back in 2004, when landlords were panicked as vacancy rates climbed north of 13%. To make the best of a bad situation, savvy property owners began welcoming pop-up stores to rent their unused spaces. Many were holiday-themed, local artisans or big brands test-marketing a new concept.
Pop-up stores has continued to flourish ever since, that more and more big brands consider it a perfect strategy to drive ecommerce growth especially during the holidays.
Louis Vuitton for example opens bright orange pop-up shop in Chicago’s West loop

Why open a pop-up shop this holiday season for your ecommerce website?

Ecommerce merchants often use pop-up shops to reach new customers and test out a physical retail environment. Here are 10 arguments why you should open a pop-up shop this holiday season.

#1. It create a new revenue stream for your business.

REad full post at shoptech media

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