Sunday, September 15, 2019

What exactly is the landing page?

A landing page on my ecommerce website? Yes, a landing page! Have you heard of it before? Do you know that landing pages are often the best weapon when you do targeted advertising to convert into sales for your ecommerce website? Landing pages condition the buyer and is able to manipulate his buying behavior.

What exactly is the landing page?

In fact the landing page is the page that serves as an intermediate page before showing the final page of your website or the product page. Landing pages are often associated and used along side a paid advertising campaign. When the user clicks on the sponsored link it is brought first to the landing page which then points to the final page (the product, the offer of the moment etc).

Why put an intermediary page on a Prestashop or thirtybees website? How does it work?

The reason is quite simple, it is necessary that the user understands what is expected of him and for that it is necessary to condition his mind. If the intermediate page says for example “It’s an offer that will never happen again and the offer is valid until tonight …” the sense of urgency increases. This way of doing things is different from just showing a product and its price … through this page we put forward the arguments of “why it’s great” we must excite the desire to buy.

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