Monday, September 30, 2019

That is the power of testimonials and social media reviews and user generated contents like comments!

That is the power of testimonials and social media reviews and user generated contents like comments!
In fact Facebook is still the social network par excellence, because almost everyone has a Facebook account, and therefore already a registered name & surname, as well as a profile photo. It is the best way to get the pulse of people that matters to your ecommerce website.

Collecting the testimonials and hardening your credibility!

  • Getting you fan page setup for testimonials is great, but it must be filled with information relevant to your target audience.
  • Get your best foot forward!
  • Do a mass mailing on your database or contact them separately via Facebook to invite them to leave a message on the page. It is clear that in some areas people do not want to post a message (especially if you sell for adult) your customers do not necessarily want to have their identity publicly disclosed
  • Moderate the comments! Be available to your fans as much as possible!

What if there is a negative feedback?

That is a really good problem. A lot of merchants do not support negative feedback, but this one I know, negative feedbacks are sometimes the best elements that will make your testimonial page credible. In comparison to YouTUBE, even a very good videos have about 10% negative feedback! So a page of only positive testimonials can also confuse your visitors and a little suspect! The secret and simplest method is certainly to answer every testimony and review in the page, it will affirm your presence and increase the level of your credibility.

In conclusion:

Social Media testimonial and reviews have now become an integral part of doing business online. There is just no going around it. Ours is a social media driven ecommerce world! Either you swim with it or sink! Use it to drive your ecommerce business credibiity further up and in so doing increases your revenue and expand your business!
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