Friday, November 29, 2019

4 Ways To Start 2020 Strong With a Good Ecommerce Business Model

It's the time of the year for office holiday parties and vacations. However, it is also, for the better part, a time for planning. Companies and organizations uses this time of the year to reassess and set up goals for the following year and beyond. You can start 2020 strong with timely elimination of bad business habits and practices, concrete goal settings, and improved standard of service. Prepare today, and you’ll be ready for a great new year.

1. Clean up and Trade up to start 2020 strong.

Is there a bad business habit you would like to eliminate? Sketch out some ideas for what you would replace it with—a more positive habit to make the transition easier.

To help you out, below are 10 Bad business habits you should clean up in 2020. The list is courtesy of entrepreneur dot com.

Focusing on too much at once. ...
Remaining too focused on one thing. ...
Delaying the creation of systems and processes. ...
Over-promising. ...
Not taking risks. ...
Failing to delegate. ...
Micromanaging. ...
Being reactive instead of proactive.
Worrying too much about money
Never taking time off

Trade up for these good habits that grow your ecommerce business.

Create a Routine
Start with the days hardest task
Workout and Meditate
Plan tomorrow, today
Align Yourself with Your Priorities
Keep Track of Your Progress
Make Time For Your Community
Encourage Your Team
Prioritize Deep Work
Schedule Some Learning Daily
Additional Resource:  Help Grow Your Business With These Powerful Life Tips

2. Invest in the professional growth of your team.

High-quality training will help accomplish business goals. That is how crucial for organizational development and success training is. Employee will become more efficient and productive if they are trained well. They become more prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher level job.
On the average, businesses around the world spends roughly 5% of its total budget on training employees. However, in 2018 industry report, it was told that companies spent as high as 11% of their total budget on training employees!  To me, that is saying a lot! There are tons of benefits staff training have for your ecommerce business and business in general.

The benefits of training can be summed up as follows:

  • Training helps the employee to get job security and job satisfaction. The more satisfied the employee is and the greater is his morale, the more he will contribute to organizational success.
  • A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the job and will need less supervision.
  • The more trained an employee is, the less are the chances of committing accidents in job and the more proficient the employee becomes.
  •  Employees acquire skills and efficiency during training. They become an asset for the organization.
  • Well trained employees show both quantity and quality performance, hence less wastage of time, money and resources.

3. Establish concrete goals to drive company revenues.

Concrete goals makes you and your team accountable in the overall operation and performance of the company. The best way to do that is to make your goals “SMART.”
Here are 6 reasons why creating a business goal is important to start 2020 strong
It keeps everyone motivated. ...
Business is more likely to achieve specific goals. ...
You can break big goals into mini goals. ...
You can adjust as needed. ...
They will make you more confident. ...
It makes you more ambitious.
Additional Resource: 3 Biggest Ecommerce Business Growth Factor

4. Improve your standard of service to stabilize revenue.

Prepare to start 2020 strong by thinking of ways to improve your standard of doing things. Deliver services to your customers at your utmost peak. Today, more than every, personalized services are becoming increasingly popular. At the end of the day, you can’t beat high-quality customer service.
Providing great customer service helps you build trust, improve brand awareness, and gain customer loyalty. While new leads is essential to business growth, repeat sales are what stabilizes and brings your revenue on a higher level. Repeat sales can double or even triple your sales. Reports shows that repeat customers spend 2x on purchase that that of a new customer. According to study, repeat customers are responsible almost half of the total revenue of an ecommerce store.
Drive sales, and attract new customers with improved standard of service in 2020.
Additional resources:
Double Your Sales with Customer Loyalty Programs
3 Simple Tools You Can Start Using To Get More Sales from Repeat Customers

In conclusion

Year ends is not just for holiday parties and vacation plans. It is the best time to clean up bad business habits and practices, set concrete goals, plan for staff training, and list things to improved standard of service. Prepare today, and you’ll be ready for a strong start to 2020 and beyond.

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